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Various Artists

By this point iconic Scottish producer Murray Collier, aka Grim Lusk, boots things off in fine style here with the blunted, blown-to-pieces 'Peeeeel'. Working under the Echo Party moniker, Murray peers back at the 'Headz' era and New York City's short-lived illbient scene, pressing dusty soul snippets and time-stretched dialog samples through springy dub echoes and lashing everything together with an igneous break. Then, Italian newcomer Guizzi steps in with 'Conga Cave', a RAMZi-inspired psychedelic wobbler held together with beachy hand drum pops and VHS-burned electronix.
Berlin's Der Opium Queen brings the squelch with the industrial-tinged 'Extra Wet', and Memotone takes us further into the abyss on the folky 'Only So Young', singing casually over hyperactive synth rolls and tremolo-laced strums. We shuffle into the kraut zone with 'Igreja' from Glasgow's own Lo Kindre, and the comp ends on a high with Bangladeshi-born, Toronto-based producer Raf Reza's ace kosmische/footwork/dub techno hybrid 'Dubfoot'.